About Us

333 Explosion logo with an explosive with angel wings

333 Explosion is an online t-shirt store based outside of DC. You may ask why the name 333 Explosion. It’s the birth of my granddaughter; 3/3/2019. 2019 is the year of the 3s; 2+0+1+ 9=12 then 1+ 2 =3. 333 means divine protection which are angels. An angel explosion is needed in the days we are currently living in. During this pandemic lock down of COVID-19, we lost many lives, our need of social interaction, and our sole health was becoming wary. 333 Explosion launch to help our community by bring funny, corky t-shirts to enlighten the heaviness of the pandemic as well as provide a way to support our schools in need. Mental health is important to our wellbeing.

333 Explosion will help the community in two ways, by bring sole health and contributing a percentage of every sale going to an organization that supports schools in need of resources.Having laughter helps increase your oxygen and endorphins, improves your mood, and reduces physical pain. 333 Explosion wants to help us embody that energy. Our audience are people who like comfort but make a statement with their clothing of all ages.

We are currently online and will print as orders are made.